The Asheville Citizen once published a story about Edward and me collecting stuff (books, comic books, Bugs Bunnies, UT football cards, David Winter Cottages.....). Space and funds finally dictated a reduction in collecting. I decided to collect something inexpensive, small, and not that easy to find: miniature chamber pots. Why? I had one little chamber pot that belonged to my Aunt Lucille, who died at twelve years old, even before her youngest brother, my dad, was born. It is a little china pot from Germany. Along the outside it says "Attend to your own business," and inside, in the bottom, there is a painting of an eye. The next little chamber pot I ever saw was many, many years later in my hometown (Blue Ridge, GA). It had a little doggy or piggy or kitty or something peeking out. I was hooked. Along came ebay to build my collection, but it's still nice to have something small and relatively inexpensive to look for whenever we cruise through antique malls. I don't try to collected duplicates. We ran up to Brazelton today and I found three new ones!